Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mikey 3 year checkup

Today in addition to Katie's 15 month checkup we also snuck in Mikey's 3 year checkup so we wouldn't have to come back the next day.  Mikey was an excellent patient.  He let the nurse and doctor check him all out and was very interested in what they were doing.  It was his first time having a shot in a year and yes...he cried.  Very briefely...and then the doctor gave him a lollipop.  When it was Katie's turn to get shots, he gave her lots of kisses and said "it's okay Katie baby."  He always calls her Katie baby. :)

Mikey's stats are:
28 lbs. - 25%
36 inches long - 30%

Curious Mikey.

He really was so good.

Fully dressed after shot and happy with his pop.

Watching Katie get her checkup.

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