Friday, November 9, 2012

Funny Conversation

Mikey is now regurgitating everything he has been hearing for the past 36 months.  It's non-stop.  He has said some pretty funny things this past week..

Conversation 1:
Mikey - "I want to go to moon in spaceship!"
Jess - "You want to go to the moon in a spaceship?!"
Mikey - "Okay, let's get socks and shoes!!"

Statement 2:
Mikey - "Lets jump on Daddy, like air mattress!"

Conversation 3:
Mikey - "Mommy, put water in water gun.  In here!"
Jess - "No Mikey, we just got out of the bath and are all dried off and have our PJ's on.  I don't want you to get Katie and I all wet, so I'm not putting water in the water gun."
Mikey - "Okay, Mommy, put orange juice in the water gun."

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