Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What do YOU make of this artwork?!

So, while going through some of Mikey's daycare artwork from last week Scott made a declaration and was really enthaustic about it too.  What do you make from Mikey's artwork?  Check out the first two pieces below......
Paper cut outs stacked on top of each other.

Pieces of tape stacked mostly on top of each other. 
This actually rises about 2 inches off the paper.
Soooooooo, what Scott said after looking at his artwork was.......... "My son is a REPUBLICAN! Just look at this artwork, he likes to accumulate things (like wealth) and not spread things evenly (like wealth) all over the paper.  Ah, see whom I'm married too? :)  just kidding!

Here's some more of Mikey's artwork.  We have them all hung up in his room to look at and admire every time we go in there.
Art work hung on the wall.  It's easy to switch out since we hang everything on a string.

Some November artwork.

Some December artwork.

Getting his crafty on.

He loves doing crafts at home.

This smiley face sticker somehow made it onto his face, which he kept on all day!

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