Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sophie the Giraffe

At Katie's baby shower one of the many gifts we received was the very popular "Sophie the Giraffe."  Sophie has been patiently waiting for Katie to get old enough to play in the top drawer of her dresser.  The top drawer of Katie's dresser also happens to be a very interesting place for Mikey.  He recently broke Sophie out of her box and has been playing with her and manipulating her ever since.  I think it's safe to say he stole Sophie from Katie and has claimed her as his own.  She watches Curious George with Mikey and reads stories with Mikey and even sleeps with him.  If Sophie isn't in his room at bed time we usually have to search the house for her before he will go to bed.  Here's some pics. of Mikey gnawing on Sophie and some interesting places I've seen her.

Mikey loves to chew on Sophie's feet and ears.

She's pretty lucky in this picture as sometimes her whole head ends up in his mouth.

This morning I found her in bed.

A few days ago she was driving the truck.  You'd be amazed at what I find shoved in here.

I knew sooner or later she would end up in our tree.

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