Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ready for Christmas

We plan on staying home for Christmas this year, as we actually want to enjoy one holiday in our home before we end up moving again.  Our plan was to wait a little bit to put up a tree so that we wouldn't constantly have to discipline Mikey on Christmas tree rules.  Normally our tree would go up the day after Thanksgiving, but we waited until this past weekend (12/09) to buy a tree and decorate it.  At first we just decorated the top of the tree and made sure that all the ornaments were out of reach for a special someone, but our tree looked ridiculous!  So I found some ornaments that are non-breakable from over the years (it's a tradition that my mom buys at least one (sometimes many) Christmas tree ornament every year for me) to decorate the bottom of the tree to help balance it out a little bit. It's taken a few days for the awe of the Christmas Tree to wear off with Mikey but he's starting to slow down on redocorating the bottom of the tree. Here's some pics. of our tree and other decorations around the house.

Bringing the tree home.

You can see the ratio of ornaments top to bottom.  We still need to put on our Christmas Tree Topper.

I like how it's a little blurry.  Gives off great light at night.

Bailey's Ornament.

One of the many on our tree.

One of my favorites, a small nativity set with everyone gathered close to baby Jesus. 

Our mantle.  I'll try to get a nighttime pic when it looks much better.

The 3 reindeer my dad made for me for Christmas some years back.

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