Thursday, December 22, 2011

Enjoying the holiday!

So today as our afternoon activity we enjoyed making some cookies for Santa.
When we visited Santa at the mall I asked him if he would like for us to make some peanut butter cookies with some peanut butter chips in them (I had a hint that Santa would say yes), and he said "YES!"

So knowing that Santa would really enjoy those Christmas Eve when he visited our home, we got down to work.  Mikey was a big helper.  He helped licking the bowl, spactula, spoon and beaters and was so fast he got a BIG chunk of dough before I could stop him. 

Of course we had to taste them to make sure they were okay for Santa and they were pretty delicious if I say so myself.  Mikey obviously thought so too.
He desperately wanted the bowl directly in front of him, but I didn't trust him enough to let him have it.

He politely smiled for the camera but my shutter went off a second to late.

This is a little better.  See how much he is enjoying it!

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