Thursday, December 1, 2011

Book Club

When we first moved here, I joined a book club with some of the surrounding neighbors.  We usually meet once a month, and alternate whose house we go to to discuss the book and have a small bite to eat or drinks.  It's been nice to have adult conversations for a little bit.  I really enjoyed reading all of these books and wanted to share with all of you in case you are looking for some new reading material.  What I have enjoyed most of all about book club, is that it's given me the opportunity to read books that I wouldn't normally read.  I'm definately more adventurous with my book choices.  Now, if only I can find time to read them?!  (PS. - I haven't been able to make it to book club for 4 months.)

The top 3 were as follows:
1- The art of racing in the rain
2- Twenties Girl
3- Zeitoun

The other books that we read were:
The Coral Thief
The Late Lamented Molly Marx
The Castaways
Water for Elephants
Wives of Henry Oads
Firefly Cloak
Eat Pray Love

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