Wish I would have realized how useful Youtube was sooner!
So, whenever we are out and about and Mikey sees a construction site, every type of truck (fire, ambulance, maintence, etc.), buses he goes crazy talking up a storm and requests "more trucks." He LOVES everything trucks!!
So we found videos on youtube of construction sites, and diggers, bulldozers, excavators, combine harvesters, lawn mowers. He sat still for 90 mins. watching and watching and watching. It was awesome!
We also discovered that youtube is a very helpful learning tool. We have used it to learn numbers, letters, colors, animals, months, shapes. If you can think of a nursery rhyme, they have it on youtube. Same thing with books! On of our favorite books is called Goodnight Moon. There is a video on youtube that reads the book and makes the pictures come alive. Mikey is absoultely mesmerized.
Here's a few links where you can see what we have been watching.
Super Simple Songs and Twenty Trucks are our favorites.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Construction Trucks
Watching the Digger. |
Both kids content for a few minutes. |