Friday, June 12, 2015

Cook your buns off race

For the second year in a row, I signed the kids up for the Whole Foods sponsored Cook Your Buns off Race at Tod's Point Beach in Greenwich, CT.

We met some friends there from school. The kids must have ran around and had so much fun with their friends that I swear they put at least 2 miles on their little legs before their race started!

Mikey took off running this year with his friends and ran the entire race by himself.  Scott said that he got an extra burst of energy when he saw the finish line and finished strong before getting his medal!  We are so proud of him as his competitive edge is starting to shine through.  Katie; bless her....she is super competitive and although she was one of the youngest competitors again this year she did the best she could running a mile on her little short legs.  She never gave up although there was some whining and had a strong finish too!

They have already asked when the next race is.

Silly Quinn and Mikey.  Quinn is 8 and off the charts for his size!

These boys were acting all sorts of silly before the race.

She was anti-pictures today so this was one of the few I got.

Not sure about the starting line or me taking a picture.

All the kids lined up and ready for the starting gun!

And their off!

Can you spot Mikey!

Here she comes.  Bringing up the rear.  I decided to run with her.

During the race.

She's still running.

Just about to cross the finish line.
So proud of these two!  That little stinker was still in a bad mood.

Mikey with a few friends from school.

The boys with their medals!

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