Sunday, May 3, 2015

Niagra Falls

Since we knew the kids were being well taken care of we traveled the extra 20 minutes north to play tourist and see Niagra Falls.  I have never been and it was something on my bucket list to do while we were in Buffalo.  I was going to see them no matter how hungover Scott was! HA.  I didn't care if he's seen the a dozen times...I haven't seen them once and now was my chance.  So off we went!

We arrived super early since we knew we had a long 6 hour trip back to PA that same day.  We had the entire place to ourselves save for a handful of people.  It appeared that they were doing repairs/updates/construction on the entire tourist area attractions so I'm glad we didn't make a separate trip up to see just the falls.  It was sunny, gorgeous and loud.  Just what I expected.  Hearing the dull roar of the water crashing over the rocks is truly white noise at it's finest.  I wish I could have bottled up that sound to bring home!

We made it!  Terrapin Point and Horseshoe Falls.

A constant beautiful rainbow glimmering over the water.

Baby M and I enjoying the scenery.

We walked to the other side of the area to see even more falls.  The statistics are just staggering.

It looks innocent enough looking upstream.

But within moments the water is hurled off the cliffs.

There's Scott and Canada in the background.

I imagine this is how he's feeling right now.

Such a beautiful vantage point.  Literally feet away from the falls.  Such a majestic sight.  Nature provides the best beauty.
Quick photo op.

I could have stood here all day.

Someone's patience is running out.

This is the "c'mon lets go picture."

Such a fun, quick, energizing weekend trip!

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