Saturday, May 9, 2015

MOPS Tag Sale

I volunteered this morning to assist at the MOPS annual tag sale.  It was a cool, rainy morning but apparently everyone showed up in droves in the afternoon to buy, buy, buy.  It was perfect timing for me to donate lots of things before we move!!  I got rid of so much stuff, which is the one upside to moving so forces me to go through everything and not collect clutter.

Afterwards, I stopped for a leisurely lunch by myself and also got a manicure.  Ahhh.  Such a great Saturday spending time on myself, by myself to re-energize, re-assess.  Creating just a few quiet moments to myself really helps calm my inflamed body (thanks to Crohns) and my outgoing, introverted self.  It's what my soul needs.

BTW- here in the northeast a tag sale = yard sale.

A warm coconut matcha tea to sooth my insides.

Setting up all the donated items for the Tag Sale.

Fresh mani.

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