Saturday, May 9, 2015

May Fair

This evening we spent some quality family time together and went to the May Fair in New Canaan.  Since we've been so busy with school, packing, getting ready for our move, Scott's crazy work load and schedule and being pregnant it was nice to take a time out and just enjoy each other.

Heading in- the kids were so excited.  They seem to have these pop-up fairs at church's all over our area.  Now, they expect to go to one every weekend!

Big girl riding by herself!

Hoping on the dinosaurs.

When she got so big, I have no idea.

On the cars.  It's always interesting to see which one they fancy.

Katie always picks a girl color one to ride.

Snow cone time.

You can't see it from this picture but behind Katie's snow cone is a soaking wet spot on her shirt.  She's such a messy eater.

The kids and I.  I finally made it into a picture and am not the one behind the camera.

We ran into our friends the Forslands there and hung out with them a bit.

Looking out over the fair from the ferris wheel.

So many rides and people.  They also had a live band, a tent filled with books for sale, BBQ and other food trucks, crafts area, games area and a yard sale area.  So much to see and do.

She loves this ride and she's always the smallest.

Can you see her?!

She has that huge smile on her face!

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