Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kindergarten orientation

Michael, Katie and I headed to what will be his new school this fall for Kindergarten orientation.  The kids headed towards the classroom to meet the teachers, other kids and do crafts, play with Legos (this had Mikey running towards the door)!  The parents headed in the opposite direction to listen to a power point presentation in the library on the school calendar, what the kids will be learning, how to become involved, etc.

After 25 minutes everyone reconvened in the beautiful courtyard in the center of the school, where refreshments and snacks were being served.  They also had multiple tables set up for volunteering sign-up, samples of the cafeteria menu, purchasing school gear, etc.  It was busy and hectic and hard to check everything out, supervise the kids who want to sample all the snacks and beverages, and talk to the PTA chairmen while introducing yourself to other parents and introducing your kids to other kids.  Phew.  Exhausting!

One of the kids spilled their drink on the table cloth and I turned around to grab a napkin from a nearby table and when I got back to where the kids were Mikey was gone.  I did a quick look around and found him hiding behind a tree, with his shorts and underwear down around his knees, peeing on a tree.  I have NEVER wanted to melt into the ground more than I did at that moment!  AHHHHH.  I'm that MOM!!!  What a way to make a first impression!  I quickly looked to see if anyone noticed and luckily I don't think anyone did or if they did they didn't show it.  I pulled his pants up mid-pee and we flew into the school to find a proper restroom.  We had a good talk about it and his justification was -  "Well, Papa, let's me pee outside."  The kids had just spent the weekend in PA with my parents on their huge piece of property in the middle of nowhere, where it is okay for him to do that.....but I had to explain the difference between outside at Papa's house and outside at school.

Looking back now, it makes for one great story.  Child rearing is hard work!

Asleep on the ride home.  Maybe all that peeing tired him out?!

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