Thursday, May 28, 2015

Moving Day!!!

Okay, so moving for most people is an exciting time. A new chapter, new friends, new location with new things to do, a fresh start.  Well for us it's just a pain in the butt, since we've done it so often. Actually, let me back up.

Here's a recap:

2006-Move to Denver live on Emerson street
2006- Move to 38th Street in Denver
2007- Move to Westminster, CO
2009- Move to Nashua, NH
2010- Move to Downers Grove, IL
2012-Move to New York, NY
2013- Move to Stamford, CT
2015- Move to Old Greenwich, CT

As you can see, we've pretty much moved roughly every 20-22 months since we have started dating, so we are tired of moving, or maybe that's just me since Scott seems to be the one schelping us all over the country! When I married him he promised me a lifetime of adventure and by God he's stuck to that! Luckily and hopefully the end is in sight with all this moving around.  Our kids are getting older and it would be nice to settle down so we can all make some long term friendships.

It was a pain to have to go through everything- organize, donate, sell, throw away, making lists, keeping the house organized and safe for the little kids while boxes kept piling up in every room. We tried to keep costs down since we were only moving 10 miles away by packing up everything ourselves,myself.  Normally, it's tough and stressful as is but throw in that a pregnant lady doing the majority of the leg work and it was exhausting.  But knowing the home and neighborhood that we were moving into softened the blow a bit.  We actually found a real neighborhood in the northeast.  It's not an easy thing to do when you consider how populated and crowded real estate is here.
But our new neighborhood is full of kids and young families just like us who like to be outside and who like to throw parties and play together.  The kids regularly hop the fence to play with each other.  We have been here now for 6 weeks and already have developed great and strong relationships with our neighbors.  Within 3 days of moving in I could tell you who lived where in the 9 houses surrounding ours.  It felt sooo good to have a warm welcome.  We live in a neighborhood called Havemeyer Park, which the locals call Have-a-baby Park since there is so many pregnant women and little kids around.  We'll fit right in!

But for now let's focus on moving day.  We actually got our landlord to agree to let us in a few days early to slap some fresh paint on the walls so those extra 4 days were put to good use since we were able to take quick trips back and forth to move all those extra delicate, odd shaped items.  It made moving day that much smoother.

We choose All My Sons moving company. Since we did a lot of work before hand the price wasn't that bad for a local move and within 5 hours we had 5 guys package our furniture, move all our remaining possessions and put everything into our new home.  I spent the majority of the morning taking the kids to school and picking them up and going to the grocery store so I wasn't even around when all the moving took place.  Just how I like it!
Loading dock right in our front yard.

Goodbye old home.
Just so I wouldn't forget who lived where.

2 days later and the kids are already playing with Matthew and Abagail who live behind us.

Scott and the kids breaking in the new back yard with some soccer.

And by day 3 I was starting to accessorize.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Fun

Our KPMG friends that live in Greenwich, held a BBQ / pool party at their home.  It was so much fun and the food was amazing.  There were lots of kids, sprinklers, slip n slide, water balloons, playground, pool and huge manly gas BBQ grill that the boys all fawned over. The best part for the kids was the zip line that they had in their back yard! Thanks for such a great Memorial Day Silver's!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Filipone Wedding

This weekend we got all dressed up, had our trusty babysitter watch the kids and we hightailed it to eastern CT for the wedding of Nick and Angela.  Nick was Scott's little brother at their fraternity in college and was getting married!  We were excited to hang out with old friends.  Typically we see each other once a year but anymore than than we consider bonus!  This couple is amazing DIY'ers and have even been on a HGTV show recently.  All of their wedding decorations they made by themselves and it gave a very rustic, homey feeling for their wedding.  The weather was perfect, the food was great, dancing was nice and laughs were plentiful.

Congrats to you both!

Baby M and I. Almost 29 weeks along.

Angela and Nick.

The hubby and I.

He always tries to pinch my butt.

Ohh- Scottie and Steve-O.

Silly with the gang in the photo booth.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

First Step Preschool Annual Fundraiser

This afternoon the kids and I went to our schools annual fundraiser event.  It was just the thing we needed to do to keep us busy while Daddy had to work.  They did things a little differently this year and everyone pitched in to purchase a few items for specific goody bags and baskets that you could then bid on, like Fourth of July, Movie Night, Date Night, Spa Retreat, Summer Games and Ice Cream Party.  While we didn't win anything we sure did bid a few things up!  I didn't want to have to take a bunch of stuff home only to have to move it in the next few days!

There was face painting, carnival games to play, stickers and candy to win, a live sing along with Miss Amy (the music teacher), balloons to hand out and lots of carnival type foods to purchase.

We all had fun!

Being silly with props.

Sometimes I just can't handle how cute they are!

Spin art with Miss Kristy!

Face painting.  She was very particular with what she wanted on her hand.

Craft time.

He wanted a lightening bolt I think.
Knock over the cups.

Hot dog, chicken nuggets and chips and popcorn for these kids.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Katie's birthday celebration at school

Today I was scheduled to come into celebrate Katie's birthday at school.  All the summer birthdays were being celebrated in May.  I brought in one of her favorite books to read to her class while they enjoyed some "mud" in a cup (a.k.a.- chocolate pudding with crushed oreos sprinkled on top).

Birthday girl in her crown she decorated. :)


Today Katie had her dance school pictures.  She absolutely loves her costume.  It's an Elsa costume from the movie Frozen. They are dancing to the frozen song in their dance recital in June.  They were all so stinkin cute!!

All the Elsa's were crowding around Batman; aka; Mikey.
Here's some photos of the finished product.  I accidently, on purpose bought the whole package.  I just couldn't resist.  They were all so good!

Katie's whole dance class.