Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Canaan Easter Egg Hunt

We took the kids to the annual New Canaan Easter Egg Hunt today.  Once again for the second year in a row it was held inside.  We had learned from last year that it is a very crowded event.  Our son doesn't really do so well with large crowds in an enclosed space that is very noisy, so we showed up just a few minutes before the actual egg hunt began.  It was just enough time for the kids to run through a few bounces houses before collecting Easter eggs.

This year they had many more eggs that had money to the New Canaan toy store in them.  I think the total amount collected in toy store money was $10 from both kids.

They had a great time in the short amount of time we were there.

The huge set up of baked goods they had.  Lots of sugar and processed junk.  We stayed away this year!

Tons of eggs to collect made this one excited girl!

Goggling all the eggs.

And they are off.  She was one of the first to run in towards the middle.

Collecting more and more.  She was very methodical in which colors she wanted.

We needed to give him the slightest push since there was so much commotion.

She's still busy!

Now, he's off but still cautious. pick them up or not....

.....I guess I'll pick them up!

There they both go!

Now he's filling up his bag!

She's way over there with a smile on her face!

Posing with Daddy and their loot.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

School Photos

The kids had their school photos taken this month.  It still baffles us just how much they grow and change over the course of one year.  They both picked out their own outfits and Katie picked out her accessories too.  This year Katie looks a little more reserved in her photos while Michael is more confident.  Stop growing!!!!  Good thing we have another one on the way and we get to do this all over again.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


We say our prayers every day, before dinner and before bed.  The kids are so sweet and sometimes say something extra they are thankful for whenever the mood strikes them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patty's Day!

We had a pretty low key St. Patty's Day.  Scott was away for the weekend at a Bachelor Party and I had grand plans to take the kids to the St. Patty's Day Parade here in Stamford but I was feeling a little under the weather and it was freezing with flurries outside so we just did our own thing.

Mikey received lots of trinkets for St. Patty's Day at school!

I made some no-dye green pancakes for the kids.  Katie loved them but the green color threw Mikey for a loop.
 The recipe for the pancakes can be found (HERE).
She loved them served with warm maple syrup and some fresh OJ.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Baby M- 20 week sonogram

We had our second sonogram today at Greenwich Hospital.  This time it was just Scott and I that went.  Baby M is doing great!  No real surprises.  They confirmed again that it is still indeed a girl how is growing right where she should be.  As of right now she is about 5 inches long and 7 oz.  Comparable to the size of a candy bar is what the technician said.  The kids got a kick out of me telling them she is the size of a candy bar.  They thought that was hilarious!  We tried to get another good view of her in 4D but she had her back towards us and wouldn't move. 

The specialist doctor suggested that we come back for another sonogram at 28 weeks just to make sure the baby is growing appropriately.  It's something they do for women who have an IBD disease since those of us with stomach issues can't absorb and digest food as well as someone with a healthy gut can.  I also have only gained 3 lbs. as of right now and typically at the half way point they would like women to have gained about 10 lbs. But she wasn't overly concerned since the baby was the right size at this time.  As long as from here on out I gain a pound a week the doctor will be happy.  Time for me to go eat!

The face.

The profile.
Mikey and I at 20- weeks!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

March Random Photos

We had lots of fun this's what we've been up too!

Silly girl.

Katie and I made a headband holder for all her headbands out of a bracelet and leftover ribbons and a hot glue gun.

A luncheon with friends at the mall.  Mikey is trying to coral all the girls.

Katie and her friends know how to shop.

Baby M and I finished another round of Whole 30!

Katie and I in the comfy cubby at the Wilton Library for story and music time.


He loves on her all the time.

Teaching me some new dance moves.

Tap and cross.

Katie came down with a 24 hour bug.  Of course it was over the weekend when Scott was away.

Poor girl just wanted to snuggle.

She felt the need to constantly carry around the barf bucket.  I got her to eat a piece of toast late at night.

My nightly orange peeler.  Something I used to do with my Mom when I was little.

At home depot making book ends.

She's good with a hammer.

Painting them lots of different colors.

At the Wilton Farmers Market, having some fresh lunch.

A beef taco for Mikey.

We couldn't leave without buying his favorite Kombucha tea!

I had some spanish tortillas at the farmers market and decided they were so good I recreated at home.  The turned out delicious and the whole family likes.

Peeling more oranges!

Doing her daily devotions during Lent.

We had a busy day on this particular day.  She fell asleep sitting up.

This one is just pretending to sleep.

My body was craving some healthy greens.  I can't really handle raw greens so I juiced them instead.

Going the healthier candy route for Easter this year.  Less candy and more toys means for no melt-downs or headaches.

Finally a semi-nice day!

Flying down the road.

When did she get so big?!