Monday, April 28, 2014

A sprinkling of summer

We have had some very warm weather temps here for a few days.

Warmer temps for us means the Muir's eat more fish. I've been making fish at least 3 times a week, trying out some new recipes.
We have also been going on walks in the morning and each evening.  We go on a scavenger hunt trying to pick out things we haven't seen in the winter or new things that have been popping up.

We also went shoe shopping, so the kids are sporting new kicks.

The kids and I had a play date at a new park in Darien.  It was such a hot day and the ice cream truck pulled up and it brought back nostalgic memories of living in NYC.  After some resistance from me I gave in and the kids chose what they wanted.

Katie chose a "Barbie" ice cream - meaning it had pink sprinkles...and Mikey chose a Popsicle.

A new recipe everyone likes, whole roasted  Branzino.

Katie's Barbie Ice Cream and Mikey's pop.

The Lazy days of summer are quickly approaching.

She refused to let me help her.
New sneakers.  Mikey picked out Katie's saying that she likes purple and pink.  He was right, she loves them!  Mikey's light up when he walks and he loves showing everyone how they work.

These flowers will fall soon enough and be replaced by leaves.  A tree in our neighborhood.

Mikey spotted this big bumble bee during one of our walks.  Can you spot it?!

Friends, Elly and Katie.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hunter Mountain / Catskill Mountains

This weekend we had our annual get together with Scott's fraternity brothers.  The location this year was at Hunter Mountain in the Catskills. Each year the location changes.  In the past we've met at a camp ground, we've all gone on a cruise to the Caribbean, we have also had it at a casino and a beach house. It was also the same weekend as the Tap Craft Beer and Food Festival.  The TAP Event was an all you could eat and drink, with over 70 beer vendors and 1 hard cider vendor.  I hate beer but like cider!  The guys went crazy trying to drink as much as they could.  It was great seeing all the usual suspects out and about. I have to laugh because each year the stories stay the same but the details get just a little fuzzier.

We were the only couple there with kids and at one point during the weekend Scott asked his buddies if any of them needed to "use the potty."  HAHA.  We all got a good laugh out of it!  Clearly, we were the one with the kids.  My Dad came up to watch them for a few days while we enjoyed many laughs, played cards, met new people and reminisced over some brews.

It was a quick 2 hour drive for us.

The lower falls.

Snow still on some slopes.

The first night.  Chips and dip and cards.

Ouch.  A steep bill but not really for 15 people.

So the guys decided to play credit card roulette.  Thank goodness we didn't win at this game!

Randy and Tina.  Randy was one of Scott's best men in our wedding.

Part of the group making our way to the TAP event.

Scott and I got a kick out of this vendor.

We gathered as many as we could for a group picture.  Some were missing from this picture.

Our tasting glasses they handed out.

More of the group as the event was winding down.

Some idiots were there too.  This group was a little crazy with horse heads to wear. 

Another group shot.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

School Pictures

The kids had their pictures taken at school the end of March and we finally got the pictures back.  While we couldn't purchase them all we did purchase some.  So Grandparents, keep on the lookout and I'm hoping to get some of these out to you soon!

I'm impressed that the photographers could get the kids to pose so nicely.  I wonder what else they do when I'm not around?

L to R: Lia, Katie, Sophia, Elly, Hazel and Clara Jane.

Back: L to R: Sam, Caroline, Savannah, Lilly, Elliott
Middle: L to R: Jolene, Mikey, Parker, Naomi
Front: L to R: Beckette, Rohan

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Brain Surgery

Out of the blue one day Mikey asked me about brain surgery.  Sometimes this kid has a one track mind. he wanted to know what it was, how it works, etc.

After a very brief education on it, (I tried to nip that topic in the butt) he said: "I wish you had brain surgery."  What?!
We don't say that.  Then he said that he wished he had brain surgery.

I decided it was time to teach him a little bit more about it because I felt like if he really knew what it was then he wouldn't say those things.

We learned about brain surgery, where the brain is, what the brain does, what protects the brain, a few brain parts and watched an age appropriate youtube video on 10 tips for a successful surgery for kids.  I think they get the idea now.

The stuff they come up with!

Looking at different brain images on the computer.

Katie even learned a little bit too.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hop Scotch Happy

We are really enjoying the weather as much as possible.  The kids do a craft every day they are at school and I like to feel like I'm doing something productive with them to so today I got the itch to do a craft with them but I also wanted them to play outside, so I busted out the washable paint, gave them some paint brushes and let them go to town.

They ended up painting the cobblestone wall in the back yard and also the trees.  We then got out the sidewalk chalk and make lots of hop scotch games going up our steps.  Mikey was great at hop scotch and Katie did it mostly with two feet!

Painting the wall.

J + S Heart.  I felt a little artsy.

Katie next to her name on the tree.  She never fails to get food/paint/stains on new clothes!

Mikey next to his name.
 Hop Scotch Time!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter 2014

Since we had a very busy spring break week we decided a nice low key Easter was just what we all needed.  It was a gorgeous day so after finding Easter baskets and dressing up in our Sunday best for church we just played outside and did multiple rounds of Easter egg hunts with the kids and had a typical Sunday dinner with lots of ham.

This year we opted to fill the eggs with money, stickers, fruit snacks and jelly beans.

Happy Easter 2014!!

Happy Easter 2013!
Eating some of their treats!

Wait one minute Mommy!

He loved wearing a tie like Daddy.

They are growing up so fast!

The Muir's - Easter 2014.

Hunting for eggs in the back yard.

Throwing the eggs all around.

Ready - Set- Go!

We have so many eggs for the many egg hunts we've done over the years.  We could probably host our own neighborhood egg hunt!

I think Mikey won.

The sweet little old lady next to us brought over chocolate bunnies for the kids.

This was their only source of choc. for the day so they were very glad to get a visit from her!

It melted all over her hands and she didn't like it.