Sunday, January 26, 2014

No, I win.

The kids have been pretty competitive with each other lately.  It's starting to drive me a little coo coo.

They both want to be the first at everything, and I mean everything!

They race each other up the stairs every single time.  Usually Mikey "wins" and Katie will throw a fit and say "oh No, Mikey beat me!" "I want to win!"  I then chime in with a "It's okay Katie. You still beat Mommy."

They race to put on their socks and shoes and coats.  Usually I still have to help Mikey put on his shoes and Katie isn't quite there yet so I end up putting one shoe on Mikey then one on Katie, then the other on Mikey and the other on Katie.

They race to go out the side door in the morning.  Katie "won" one morning and was so excited she opened the door and it banged right into Mikey's forehead.  I know, it's getting a little out of control!

They even race to bed at night.....who can be the first to go through our bedroom door on the way to their own rooms.  It's a fight every time.

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