Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jamaica and Grand Cayman

The first day of 2014 we spent on Jamaica.  Our shore excursion we did was the VIP Bamboo Beach Access.  VIP just meant that food, drinks and transportation was included.  The beach was very different from what we were expecting and so was Jamaica. Jamaica itself was very run down outside of the touristy area and almost 3rd world looking.  The beach was gated with an armed guard to protect us while we enjoyed our stay.  The water was very rough as there was no sandbar, or reef or levy to break the waves from the ocean.  The sand was more pebble like and hurt if you walked on it for more than a few minutes.  We made the best of our couple hours and ate the local food, took a dip in the ocean and danced to some live music.

Sailing to Jamaica.  The island surprised us in the fact that it really rises in elevation not far from the coast.

See how tall the island is?!

Pulling into port.

Wind blown and don't have a care in the world.

Bamboo Beach. 

The end of the beach was this huge cliff.

Eating lunch- Jamaican jerk chicken and lobster tail with rice and these hush puppy things called festivals.

Packing up and ready to head back.

The ship boat and I.  No one was around to take a pic. of both of us.  Boo.
Dressed for dinner.  Don't tell anyone this dress is really old. I mean over 5 years old!  But the Caribbean is really the only place I can wear this dress.

The next day we were in Grand Cayman and again went to a beach for our shore excursion.  We did the Tiki Beach All Inclusive Package.  Again food and drink and transportation to the beach.  Grand Cayman was by far our favorite island we visited on this trip.  We would love to go back.  The sand was so fine and white, the water clear and warm and the sun shining bright!  It's a very British island and very clean.  Everything screamed Caribbean!  It is what I imagined a Caribbean island to look like.

At least 4 other cruise lines docked in Grand Cayman.

We arrived at 8 am.  It's going to be a beautiful day!

At our resort for the day.
 Tiki Beach is part of the 7 mile beach area of Grand Cayman.  There was lots of activity in and out of the water and you could walk the entire beach if you wanted too.
The beach just went on and on and on... both directions. 

Walking along the beach and I caught my shadow.  The sun was so bright.

Taking a break from the sun.

Scott in the ocean.

Tiki Beach with signs to all the other beaches and activities.

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