Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Band aids make EVERYTHING better

Tonight while going up stairs to get ready for bed Mikey called down to us and said, "There's a crack in the wall!"

Now, we knew it was nothing major since this is an older home and there are a few cracks here or there but nothing structural to worry about.

Then Katie chimes in when she gets up the stairs a few seconds later, "Ut-oh.  We need band aids!"  This is pretty ironic coming from Katie because any time she gets a boo boo and you mention band aids to her she freaks out.  She wants nothing to do with band aids and even if you try to look at her scrape or cut she again, freaks out!  It's as if the band aid itself symbolizes her falling and getting a scrape.

So we did what anyone would do.  We patched up the crack. :)

See band aids do make it all better.

Here's a picture farther out so you can see the crack in context.  It's at the top of our stairs on the landing.

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