Sunday, July 28, 2013

Secret hideaway in the city.

One of the things I love about NYC is it is constantly changing and there are new things to be discovered every day.  One of our favorite parks near our apartment is Carl Schurz.  We have been there in the early mornings and late at night after dinner when we try to tire out the kids and every hour in between.  We celebrated birthday's there and had Easter egg hunts there, picnics were had there and we even went sledding there.  

As many times as we've gone to this park there are still new things to discover.  One of our last days there we showed Scott what we called "our little secret hideaway".  It's basically a trail that is secluded and covered with plants on both sides.  The kids love it and I think Scott did too.  This park gave us some major bonding with our kids.

I asked Katie what Daddy said to her and she said "it's secret."

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