Monday, July 22, 2013

Backseat Blog

Hi Everyone!  We moved almost 1 month ago and between moving, unpacking, getting settled, familiarizing ourselves with our new territory and having some extremely packed with fun weeks, and me running most nights, the blog has taken a backseat.

It's okay though, I'm working on updating it with everything we've been doing so I have lots coming.

In the meantime I thought I'd share with you some things that have recently come out of our 3 year old's mouth.

Scenario 1:
Mommy:  Mikey we can't go to the beach today, it's going to storm and there will be thunder and lightening.
Mikey:  But I want to get struck by thunder!

Scenario 2:
Mommy and Daddy:  Did you have fun at dinner tonight? (We took the kids to P.F.Changs).
Mikey:  I got to go on early bird date with you!

Scenario 3:
Mommy and Daddy:  (Coming home from P.F.Changs).  Mikey, do you know that we are a team.  Me, Mommy, Katie and you are a team.  We are a family and we stick together and we have each others backs.  So we are all on the same team.
Mikey:  We are not team.  We are people.

Scenario 4:
Mikey:  (Coming into our room 30 minutes after we put him to bed.  He's all sleepy.)  Mommy, Katie is crying....she woke my eyes up.

Such a funny guy.

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