Saturday, February 23, 2013

Little Italy

Tonight Scott and I were able to sneak away for dinner in Little Italy.  We initially had reservations at a restaurant but when we got there it was completely closed down and out of business.  Weird.  Can that happen within 2 weeks of making a reservation? I guess so.  So we walked around Little Italy a bit and were hassled by Italian guys or guys pretending to be Italian to come and eat in their restaurant with the promise of free drinks, free dessert and free wine.  Not exactly what we pictured Little Italy to be like, but maybe the cold and rainy weather slowed things down for them.  We basically walked into the first busy restaurant we saw where we weren't hassled to come in and had a nice Italian meal.  Scott thought it was great but I honestly wasn't impressed.   I could have gotten the same gnocchi 2 blocks from where we live for half the price and it would have tasted the same.  But it was fun to say we went!

We ended up going here.

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