Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nee Nee No More

Well I've been saying all along that I'm determined to wean Mikey off his pacifier by the time he is 2.  For no reason whatsoever on Thursday morning I took his "nee nee" out of his mouth and he didn't ask for it all morning.  I thought "OK, we've survived a morning without it, let's see how he does at nap time." 

At nap time he cried for 10 minutes before passing out.  Easier than I expected!  We then went all afternoon without the nee nee and I decided then that there's no turning back.  During the day I noticed that he seemed to have a need for some type of oral fixiation whether that be sticking his fingers in his mouth or chewing on a toy. 

At bed time he really cried and yelled and screamed for his "nee nee,"  "Mommy," and "Help". Yup, talk about heart breaking.  I went in to comfort him 3 times during the first hour and noticed that he actually started sucking on his tongue, something I've never seen him do before.  Impressive - this kid learns fast!  After 1 hour he fell asleep. 

On Friday, he went all day at daycare without his nee nee and he only cried 20 minutes at night for it.  We're getting there! I think it'll probably take 4 to 5 days to fully wean him off of it. 

The "nee nees" are currently residing in the storage container on the kitchen counter.
I know we won't use them again, but I just can't throw them away until he's fully weaned.

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