Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mock birthday

While my parents are in town we decided to throw a little mini birthday party for the little guy who is turning 2 on October 29th!  Where has the time gone?!  We also had my mom's Aunt Vickie and Cousin Jennifer over for dinner and thought it was the perfect day to throw a little celebration.  My thinking is always the more the merrier. 

We had a delicious ham dinner with all the fixings cooked by my mom and we ordered an Elmo cake with Elmo Cupcakes!  Mikey loved it.  We sang to him and he even blowed out the candle (we've been practicing for a while). 

We'll also sing to him on his actual birthday.  He has a current obsession with his red vacuum and he also received tennis balls, a book called "Papa please get the moon for me" and a cash register along with some sing a long CD's and a pale and shovel to play in the sand box.
Aunt Vickie LOVES babies!

Mikey's Elmo Cake!

He was so excited ripping the paper off the present.

Oh My a red vacuum!

Vickie and Jen checking out little Katie.

Mikey didn't mind the screaming Katie one bit. 
It actually looks like she's laughing if you glance at the photo.

Pure bliss you can see in his eyes.

Yup, messy but not as messy as last year.

Vickie loved holding Katie.  (It gave the rest of us a break!)

Checking out the vacuum.

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