Monday, October 3, 2011

Brookfield Zoo with Nana and Papa

I think I'll let the pictures speak for itself for this blog.  In case you can't tell from the pics. there was tons to see and we had a ton of fun!

Mikey pointing at the dolphins, waiting for the dolphin show to begin.

Waiting with anticipation.

He loved watching the dolphins perform.

I think this was his favorite animal of the day.  The racoons were very active and talked a lot. 

At the petting zoo with the sheep behind them.

We were brushing the billy goats.  Mikey was so rough with them.

I was right there to lend assistance and to make sure Mikey didn't harass the animals.

Ah, another favorite.  The monkey exhibit!

Everyone wanted their pic next to the gorilla.

Had to hang on the tree branch before visiting the monkeys.
 Mikey whined when his arms got tired, but he didn't let go.

Comparing hand size.

Lots of ropes and branches to hang from.

Enjoying our picnic lunch we packed.

Practically swallowed up!

Pretty fish!

The Penguin exhibit.

Enjoying the grandkids.

Katie dressed for the occasion in her zebra onesie.

The big brown bear!

Our pic. near the polar bear.  Don't mind the spit up on my right shoulder.

We spent almost 30 mins. watching the brown bear swim in the water.

Mikey and I in the forefront.  The bear would swim laps alternating from doggie paddle to floating on his back.

Nana waching the bear swim with Mikey.

Drying off.

Silly girl!

The Polar bear was active too!

Mikey and I

Part of the swamp exhibit.

This animal is actually part of the giraffe family.  The zebra like stripes are for camo.

Another active animal.  The Giraffe about to drink from the water.

First there was one (see above pic.) then came two and now three.
They congragated right in front of us.

An optical illusion?  Look closely!

I like their reflection in the water.

Hop in the kangaroo pouch.

I hopped in too.  Why not!?

Tired after all that?  Yup!

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