Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Potty Chart

Mikey finally went pee on the potty! I have noticed over the last 5 or so baths that typically within 2 minutes of bath being over and before I can dry off Mikey he has gone pee on the rug in the bathroom. So I decided to make it part of our schedule. Mikey sits on potty after bath. Well today I sat him on the potty and he went almost immediately. I got really excited and he stuck his head between his legs to watch himself go. We made a big deal of it and I think it scared Mikey a little bit. As a reward he got to put a sticker on his potty chart, we sang the potty dance and gave him lots of hugs, kisses and high 5's!

See his first sticker under the frog furthest to the left. 
He was so excited!

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