Friday, August 14, 2015

First week home with Emily

We were so fortunate that my parents are AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING!!!  They took Mikey and Katie back to PA for about 9 days while Scott and I adjusted to having a newborn again and we got to really get to know her and give her a calming and quiet environment for a few days.  This is what we were up to in CT.

Lots of sleeping.

Lots of thumb sucking.

Lots of face timing with the kids.

At her first check up 4 days after she was born on 8.11.15.  She was still 19.5 inches long and was down to 6 lbs. 4.5 oz..  She was born at 6 lbs. 10 oz on the 7th and dropped to 6 lbs. 3.6 oz when we left the hospital on the 9th and came back up 1 oz. by the 11th so good signs.

More thumb sucking.

Dr. giving her a good check up.

Hi there.

Lots of sleeping on Daddy.

He is very comfy.

Time for her first bath at home on 8.11.15 - actually just a wipe down.

Washing her pretty hair.

A little red and splotchy after her bath.

Super sleepy.

More napping.

More sleeping for both of us.

Visiting a dear friend, Katie.

Long and Lean just like her Momma.  I have an identical photo of when I was 1 week old.

Tummy time.

Early morning snuggles.

Bonding  With Daddy.
She just can'

We'd basically repeat this cycle which included many feedings for the foreseeable future.!

So while we were busy doing that the kids were busy doing this......

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