Yesterday was supposed to be the day but it ended up being today instead. Let me back up and explain.
We always had the intention of getting induced with this baby. We made this decision completely based on prior birthing experiences. Mikey's labor and delivery occurred within a 4 hour time span which is extremely fast for first time mothers. With Katie we were induced with her at 39 weeks just so we'd have some time to actually plan things out better and so we could have a family member come out to Chicago and watch Mikey while we were in the hospital having baby #2. Everything went great and according to plan. I was hoping to have another epidural with this baby as I did with Katie and knowing that I "go" quickly, the only way to ensure there was enough time to get an epidural was if I was induced with baby no. 3. We also needed to have a family member here to help with the other 2 kids and so we had planned to have the baby on August. 6th for 5 weeks. Once I hit 35 weeks we were on the schedule at the hospital. As that date approached, obviously a few things physiologically needed to occur for the doctor to even consider inducing a labor. Those things are being at least 39 weeks and also 1 to 2 cm dilated. At my 39 week check up which was on August 4th I met both of those criteria, however the doctor did mention to me that getting induced was a bit more risky than going into labor naturally. So I slept on the decision as to whether or not to get induced. After all, the main reason to have a planned labor was so that we'd have someone to watch the other two kids and since my Dad was already staying with us we didn't have to worry about that aspect anymore. The following day we decided that it would be best for me and for the baby if I just went into labor naturally.
So August 6th came and went and the morning of August 7th, about 8 am I started to notice some cramping in my lower abdomen. This definitely felt different from the Braxton-Hicks contractions I was having all throughout my pregnancy and didn't really think anything of it. Slowly they started getting stronger. I asked my Dad to take the kids to summer camp that morning (drop off being at 9:15) which is when I started noticing that they were becoming a bit regular; happening at alternating intervals every 4 and 7 mins. apart. I went on with my morning, making breakfast, doing the dishes and scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. I remember my Dad laughing and taking a picture of me doing this. By 9:45am, I knew that they were actual labor contractions and decided that we should get going to the hospital. But first I had to blow out my hair and pack a few more things for the hospital and also get the dinner I prepared that morning out of the oven and in the fridge for my Dad and the kids to enjoy later that day. We get in the car by 11 am and were at the hospital about 11:25. Which is a long time to get to the hospital from our place. We hit (or so it seemed) every red light and there was heavy traffic (which there always is for a Friday in the summer). Poor Scott- I'm convinced that husbands have no clue on what to do when their wives are in labor.
He parked at the front of the hospital and dropped me off so I could get a head start while he went to park the car. By the time I got to the check- in counter at the maternity ward I was having pretty intense contractions to the point that my water started to break while standing there. The nurses in the maternity ward didn't seem to care or show any hustle at all. So I waddled to the restroom while they decided what room to put me in. By 12:15 I was in a room and gown and hooked up to the monitors which showed that I was having contractions every 4 to 5 mins. They were very uncomfortable and Scott and I told anyone with ears that I have very quick labors to which they would reply "Well, every labor is different just like every baby." Ugh. Okay, but seriously, I have very fast labors so I'd like that epidural now, please. By 12:30 I went to the bathroom and missed the anesthesiologist, so had to wait another 10 mins. before he came back. In the meantime, I kept tell them that I needed an epidural NOW, fearing that my window to get one was quickly approaching. I had gone from 4 cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital and was checked at 12:15 to 6 cm within 30 mins. I don't remember much except for lots of uncontrollable shaking which is typical during the transition part of labor. Finally at 1 pm the doctor came back and gave me a much welcomed epidural. I was told to rest a bit and that I wouldn't feel anymore pain but just pressure in about 15 mins. which is how long the epidural takes effect.
I was monitored very carefully the entire time I was in labor because once my water broke they found meconium in my water which meant the baby had a bowel movement while still in the womb. There are some very serious reactions that can happen if the baby inhales this before being born. About 40 mins. after I received the epidural at 1 pm I suddenly pressed the big, bright red button and told them "I've feeling tons of pressure." It happened so suddenly that I forgot to tell Scott who was sitting right beside me. Within 2 minutes there were 7 other people in the room. We had the delivery doctor who checked me quickly and said "Yup. You're right, you do go fast. You're ready to push!" There was also 4 nurses. Two nurses who were helping deliver and another 2 standing by as well as the anesthesiologist and a doctor from the NICU to check out the baby immediately after being born. A few pushes later and she was finally here!
Emily Grace Muir born at Greenwich Hospital at 1:51pm weighing in at 6 lbs. 10 oz exactly and 19 1/2 inches long. I was finally able to hold her after the NICU doctor had checked her out and monitored her which took about 20 mins. After all was said and done the Doctor and Nurses said "Well, you were right. You do go fast. You're welcome to come back anytime." To which I replied. "I told you, and NO this was our last baby." :)
Last photo of pregnant Momma on way to check in desk. |
Baby Emily getting check out under the lights. |
Here she is! Pink and Perfect! |
Hands always in front of her face! |
First conversation with proud Daddy. |
Ummm....hey, do I get to hold her?!! He's telling her all about our family. |
First pic. with both Mommy and Daddy. |
We really did forget just how tiny they are. |
You see why I did my hair? Lots of pictures and I wanted to look good for baby Emily. |
Just like our other two she was no exception having a fully head of dark hair. |
Stretching out a little bit. Mikey and Katie were very interested in her belly button. |
So beautiful but still looking a little smushed. |
Lots of little smiles from this one. |
Just chillin. |
Big Brother and Sister so excited to finally meet her!!! |
I love this picture- a great first family photo. I look tired, Daddy's look says (here we go again!), Mikey looks like we just told him he has to care for the baby and Katie is already thinking she's been misplaced. Emily is sleeping away like she's the Boss! |
Sister. My heart is so happy that they will have each other. |
Papa couldn't get enough of her. His 5th grand child. |
Snuggles and attention from the boys. |
Our celebration dinner at the hospital. |
Big brother already wanting to hold her by himself. |
Okay - you can take her now! |
Everyday they'd come and inspect her and touch her and tell her about their day and their toys and what she can and cannot play with. |
I could stare at her all day. |
sleeping away. |
Late night snuggles. |
Celebration dinner right before going home. We opted to have it at lunch time. |
She doesn't look to thrilled with Daddy's take home outfit choice. |
To think that this was a New Born size and still huge on her. It's so amazing how quickly they grow! |
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