Saturday, August 29, 2015

The rest of August- was a blur.

So I'm glad I took some I can remember it.

Daddy and Katie playing airplane.  It's so funny hearing where they are flying off too.

I took advantage of the weather by doing some yoga outside, while the baby sleeps and the kids are playing in the trampoline.

One of my favorites.

I love these little toes.

More napping.

Katie set up a few of her stuffed animals to watch the baby.

Playing with the baby in the castle tent.


Sleeps anywhere in any position.

We are still receiving many gifts.  Thanks so much.

We celebrated this ones birthday at a friend's house...Again!  I think we are all birthday'd out.

Our friend Jen loves babies!

She looks so tiny.

We received prayers from our friends.

Going for an early morning walk with all three.

We started to give breast milk to this one in a bottle so she'd at least take it!  Katie never took a bottle.  Not ever!

Poor Bailey.  Just wants some attention.

Napping in her crib.

Daddy with his two girls.

Bedtime reading for everyone.  Including Emily.  See her there in Mikey's arms?

Swinging at the park.

She couldn't wait to get her swimsuit on.  It just looked like too much fun!

Which it was!

Brother and Sister. Love.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Katie's 4 year checkup

We managed to get Katie's 4 year check up in during August.
She weighted 36 lbs. and was 38 3/8 inches tall putting her in the 58% for weight and 19% for height.

Our food lover!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Nana's here to help!

Much appreciated to have my Mom here for 2 weeks!  She was awesome and did everything without me having to ask, including keeping the older two children busy while I was busy with the baby.  I don't know how we'd survive during that first month without having help for 3 plus weeks right after Emily arrived.  We are still adjusting!

Finally everyone is home together and Katie was the first to hold her.

And kiss her.

Emily was such a good sport.

Nana with her granddaughters.

Getting silly with the Boppy pillow.

This one loved to start her day off with some bonding time holding Emily.

Uncle Matt even in on the action.

He's busy outside putting Lego's together.

Nap time on Nana.

The kids did lots of puzzles....

...and playing card games while I....

....took care of this one.

No. 3 and Me!

My girls and I.

Big Sis wanting to hold her.

More loves from sister.

Sometimes I just can't take the cuteness.  Call me biased, I don't care.

Lots of inspecting and rubbing her head.

Caught Nana taking a nap with  Katie in a fort.

Busy growing.

Beautiful weather to be outdoors.

Our swing set saw lots of use this summer.

Even I hopped on for some swinging.

The kids playing pretend.

Frisbee time.

Jumping rope and lots of chalk.

I caught Papa with his little heater.

Then made him trim the bushes.

Child Labor laws being ignored.

Getting smiles out of this one.

I love when this happens.

It's a rare thing.
At Emily's 2 week check up on 8.21.15 she was back to her birth weight and had grown 1/2 an inch!!

More snuggles before the beach.

Katie looks so much bigger from this angle.

First actual bath with Nana.  She always has the honors with my kids of giving them their first bath.

She liked it!

All dried off.

And hungry.

Tummy time with brother.

It's official.  It will be years before all 5 of us can look at a camera at the same time.

Getting snuggles before it's time to go.

Papa, Nana and baby Emily.