Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Randoms

Here are some random pictures taken over the winter.....

Homemade beef stew with homemade freshly baked bread to warm our bodies during this cold winter.

Scott and I took a 5 week marriage enrichment course.  Very enlightening and it was nice to take some time for ourselves.

This girl could eat an avocado a day!

This is how we do sushi night! YUM!

Some handpicked truffles from Godiva sent to my sister for V-Day.

Katie and Mikey's Valentines Day cards.  It took Katie one morning to write her name on all her cards and it took Mikey about 4 mornings to write his name on his.  He just can't sit still as long as Katie can.....

....because he is busy doing stuff like this.  Saving earth from Zurg!

Birthday party fun with Andrew from karate.

Catching snowflakes!

Making silly faces while Katie is at dance class.

When bored we do face painting and the kids love to play pretend with whatever is on their face.

A glitter glue masterpiece!

More soup.  Can you tell we like hearty root vegetable soups in the fall and winter yet?!

I found these amazing cupcakes made locally in Norwalk.  Just perfect for a special treat.

We purchased a new toy organizer and the kids went to town making a huge mess out of all the packing materials.  Mikey had to get out his own tool set and get to work!

Ash Wednesday and the kids still look sleepy after I dragged them to church early.

Watching Daddy during a board meeting at work that was streaming live on the internet.

We brought the snow inside to play with!

I made some shepard's pie and this girl thought it was so good she licked the plate clean!

Just one of the many Valentine's Day crafts Michael made us.

Katie's heart project from school.

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