My doctor prescribed an early ultrasound since I technically have to see a specialist while being pregnant with Crohn's disease. I haven't had any complications whatsoever with my other two pregnancies but just to be on the safe side I take my doctors advice.
The kids came with us to Greenwich Hospital where we are planning on having the baby to the neonatology department inside of the birthing wing and they held a constant dialogue consisting of many questions the entire time we were there. It was pretty cute and the hospital workers got a kick out of some of the things they knew and some of the things they were asking.
This experience was a bit different than my previous ultrasounds with Michael and Katie. It's quite amazing how technology can change in just a few years. I remember when I had Mikey, we didn't even know what 3D ultrasound was. He was just a blurry image with no dimension at all. Once Katie was growing in my belly the technician gave us the option of a 3D ultrasound but at a hefty price. As long as our baby was healthy we opted not to spend the extra money on that.
This go round was amazing. We were actually able to see our baby at 13 weeks and 6 days in regular 2D ultrasound form but also 4D. I know....I had no idea that existed. It's just like 3D except you can see the baby in video form, not just still pictures. We could see her moving her hands and legs, flipping from one side to the other and even doing a complete 180 degrees in my stomach. We left with lots of pictures and knowing that we were having another girl! We were just in disbelief that they could tell that early what we were having by ultrasound. The technician pointed out these 3 little lines that pointed down that signified that she would be a girl and tiny specks that will become her ovaries. The specialist confirmed everything. The kids counted 10 fingers and 10 toes and also saw many of her internal organs already visible and growing. We also all hear her heartbeat with is such a lovely sound. The doctor was also able to determine based on the thickness of her spinal cord that she will not have down syndrome. It's just incredible that they have all these advances in medicine and science. At this stage she was 5 inches long and a mere 3 oz. Just the right size for where I am in my pregnancy.
We are already picturing what she will look like and are so thankful for another healthy baby.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Papa and Nana have already dubbed her "Sleeping Beauty."
Sending Michael a message! |
Katie got a message from the baby too! |
Baby M at 13 weeks 6 days. |
Busy developing. |
Covering her face. |
Another photo. |
So wild!!! Ahh!! Can't wait to meet her!