Monday, March 31, 2014

Lions in Spring

March came in and went out like a lion this year.  The last day of March and we had rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow.  Oh and that was after a long weekend of non-stop rain which left about 4 inches of standing water covering half of our back yard.  To say we are ready for warmer weather and spring is an understatement.

I think the birds agree as we have been hearing them happily chirp all day long in the bushes near our driveway.  The kids painted bird houses as a little craft today at home and after patiently waiting for them to dry, we finally hung them up!  Hoping some birdies use them as a new home.

Katie painted her bird house, pink, purple, red with splashes of white.

Mikey painted his red, green and blue with a few bits of brown and yellow.

Mikey's finished product.

Ready to hang.

Yes!  A sunny day...finally!  He's proud of his bird house too!

Here birdie birdie.

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