Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pinterest Challenge

There is this one blog I have been following for over a year now called Young House Love.  They are regular folks who live in VA and they fix up their home all by themselves and blog about it. They detail everything they do and make it look super easy.  Anyway, every quarter Sherry (from Young House Love) posts a Pinterest Challenge.  She encourages her readers to stop "pinning" and start doing.

You can read more on her post here.  Since I was in PA, I knew I had a perfect audience to test out some awesome crafts I came across on Pinterest with Mikey and Bryan and Jen.  It was great entertainment for the afternoon.  Bryan and Jen enjoyed everything the most while I had to modify a few things for Mikey. 

Here was the post (and another post) from Pinterest that gave me the inspiration to get crafty!

The crafts we did were as follows:
  1. Made fizzies with baking soda and vinegar.
  2. Strawberry milk bubbles.
  3. Experiement how sugar reacts when added to milk, water and vinegar.
  4. Painted with marbles.
  5. Shaved faces with popsicle sticks.
  6. Made a homemade facial scrub - brown sugar and honey.
  7. Ivory Soap clouds!
Time for fizzies.

Mikey wanted to get right in there and scoop up the baking soda.

So happy!

Mikey was more into sipping his milk rather than blow bubbles.

See...all gone.

Putting sugar into milk, water and vinegar.  The kids also suggested a hypothesis, then drew conclusions after the experiment.  It's might be summer but the kids are always learning!

Mikey poured sugar onto whipped cream.

Then he tasted!  :)

Painting with marbles.  (Wish I had paint but the kids made do with food coloring).

Wax on.

Wax off.

Mikey just wanted to watch this one.

Making the honey and sugar scrub.

Making sure all the shaving cream was off by using the scrub.

Bryan's ivory soap cloud. This was a really neat craft.

Totally engrossed in their activity with the ivory soap clouds.

Breaking it apart and adding water back into it.

They added food coloring, turning the soap cloud into a paste and putting it into molds to set back up into soap.

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