Friday, June 15, 2012

Grandparent's Spoil

The first day that we were back in PA, of course my son headed straight for the hose.  It's totally fine with me when he gets completely soaked.  I'm very lenient on a lot of things, as long as they aren't harmful to my kids. 

The hose provides hours of entertainment to Mikey, gets tons of smiles and laughs out of him, keeps him out of trouble, and uses up lots of energy!  Therefore, I'm all for it!!! 

This first picture taken was of him going on hour 2 of  playing with the hose.

This is his ready stance to get you wet with the hose.

He's in heaven.

Such a big helper to water the plants and flowers.

Okay, yeah, so after playing with the house for 2 1/2 hours he was soaking wet as can be expected.  Then something happened that was totally not expected, however I was pretty tolerant.  Afterall, it's not everyday that I get to watch a boy be 100% all boy.  Grandpa took the tarp off a huge pile of dirt and let Mikey have at it.  He spent a good 15 minutes in complete bliss as he climbed, rolled, slide, threw and tried to eat the dirt.

Throwing the dirt.  Most ended up on his head.

You can't play in the dirt without your bull dozer!

Him sliding down on his belly. He also slide on his butt, while saying "Weeee."

This picture doesn't do it justice.  He was filthy and completely covered in mud.  He got sprayed with the hose before immediately going into the tub. 

The things Grandpa's let their grandson's do. :)

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