Sunday, June 3, 2012

Katie's Baptism

We had a very busy week when we were in PA.  Besides the wedding and all the events that go along with that we also squeezed in another event and got Katie baptized since everyone was in town. 

She had a very pretty, poufy dress and was one of about 8 babies to get baptized at St. Catherine's.   She was all smiles and acted like a princess.  You could just tell that she knew she was cute!

I have more pics with Mikey and Scott and Katie's god parents but here are a few for starters.

She likes Danny's beard!

Ready for the water poured over her head!

Posing for pics. after.

Family pic.

She sees her momma.

Daddy is so funny!

Sharing a sweet moment with Daddy.


Ready to crawl.


Her pretty dress.

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