Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My little Valentine.

Valentine's Day this year is bitter sweet.  My Grandma Cichy, passed away this Valentine's Day around noon.  My family thinks she couldn't live without her Valentine and so she went to be with him.  She suffered a stroke in mid-December and has been cared for by nurses and family all the while doing rehabilitation since.  We'll miss her dearly and a few days before she passed and the last moments I shared with her while she was still communicative, were with her and Katie.  She sang 2 nursery rhymns - twinkle twinkle little star and humpty dumtpy.  It was lovely and very sweet and Katie sat there on the bed with her and just listened.

The sweet part of Valentine's Day was spending it with 2 little ones.  Katie (like all females) loved Valentine's Day.  She had fun slobbering on all of Aunt Jamie's candy!  (Surprise Jamie :) )

My sweet girl.

She's so pleased with herself.

I hope she has a big heart.

She didn't want to give this bag up.

I assume all males feel like this on Valentine's Day.

He got a sucker and was a happy boy.

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