Friday, February 3, 2012

Katie's 6 month checkup!

We fit in Katie's 6 month checkup before our trip to PA and NY!  She is such a big girl already!!  I can't wait to tell you all about our pretty little princess. 
She weighs 16 lbs and is 26 inches long.  That puts her in the 60% for height and 55% for weight.
At this age, Mikey weighted 16 lbs. 5 oz and was 25 1/4 inches long.

At 6 months Katie:
- Has found her feet.  She loves to lift her legs and play with her toes and get them into her mouth.
- She chews on everything.  If she can grab it, it goes right to her mouth.
- She isn't yet mobile but it's super cute to watch her throw her weight forward and reach and grab for things.
- She is very squirmy and doesn't like to sit still.
- She loves to laugh and giggle and is still ticklish. She's also very vocal.
- She will light up if you play pat-a-cake and sing the itsy-winsy spiders.
- She give mommy the best smiles (as she should!).
- She watches Mikey and wants to play with what he is playing with.  She will grab his toys and he says "no baby!" We are working on sharing with him.
- She has started on baby food and baby cereal.  She hates bananas!!
- She wakes only 1 time at night.  A few nights she has slept from 7 pm until 4 am!!

Such a sweet girl.

One of her 5 month photos.
Sleeping, while waiting for the doc.

Sophie the Giraffe occupies her while waiting for shots.

She was really chewing on Sophie - teething perhaps?

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