Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Emily is 2 months old!

Emily is rocking and rolling.  She's our little petite one!  Weighing in at 9 lbs. and 9 oz and 22 inches long putting her in the 12% for weight and 30% for height.  It's astounding to us when we compare the growth stats of her to Katie who at 2 months old was 11 lbs. and 6 oz.

She is growing fast and we are enjoying every moment with her. As you can see from the photos she is a very wire-y and lively little baby.  She moves constantly and really just wants to go.  Although I don't believe in afterlives, I describe her as having already been here (on earth), having already gone through the motions many times as she gets easily frustrated when she tries to do something and she can't quite get her hands to do what she wants them to do, she is very vocal and constantly likes to hear the different sounds she can make and varies her volume and pitch, she also is very strong as she loves to stand on her legs.  Often times we can not bend her to get her to sit.  You can tell she just wants to cruise around the room and we believe she will to just that, much earlier than our other two. We know that she wants to just get on with life already, but we want it to slow down and enjoy each milestone! We can't wait to see what is in store for Emily and are getting to know our little girl more by the day.

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