Sunday, September 27, 2015

Spartan Race

I signed up the four of us to participate in the Spartan Race that came to Stamford.  It was a 3K race with a set up specific for kids 5 and over.  However, because our daughter is so active, sporty and really great at coordination we knew she could do it!

Look who we found there!

One of the first hurdles.

Coming down.

Katie not far behind.  See her?

Here's a better shot of her and Daddy making sure she doesn't fall. 
She kept up great and they even caught up to us at the end because Mikey's shoe came off.

Having to throw a javelin before crossing the finish line. 

Mikey crossed the finish line!

My finishers!  So proud of them. They loved their medals!

Some one wanted held.

Because they were so tired.

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