Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Katie's first day of pre school

Today is Katie's first day of school!  She is so excited to be going to big kid preschool.  She isn't very thrilled about the idea of uniforms but at least I don't have to fight her on what to wear everyday.  (Update- I do fight her on her getting her blue twill pants on.  She isn't thrilled of pants with buttons and much prefers elastic waist bands).  She is going 5 days a week for half a day which we will up to full day two days a week in November and December and 3 days a week starting in January.  This is a big step up from last year when she went 3 half days a week.  She attends a private catholic school here in Greenwich.

I wish she could stay this age forever.

Not happy with her uniform.

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