Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Sweet Bailey Girl

 Today was the day we said goodbye to Bailey.  For the past 6 months or so we felt like we were neglecting her.  Often times not even looking at her until late at night and/or yelling at her that she was always underfoot.  We were busy, tired, bracing for yet another new addition and Bailey was moved farther and farther down the ladder of priorities for the past 8 years.  We knew that we couldn't continue treating her the way we were for another 7 or 8 years and so we made the heartfelt but necessary decision to find her another family who can love on her and give her all the hugs and cuddles and playtime that we no longer could.  After searching high and low for just the right family for weeks and weeks and talking to countless potential adopters, the Vet and reviewing many resources we found the perfect family.  They have a huge farm with lots of space to roam, a father who works from home and children that are just a tad bit older.  Scott and I were very emotional saying good bye to her knowing that she wouldn't understand and that there was no way for us to make her understand.  We went through a lot adopting her ourselves and have helped her come a long way in becoming a secure and healthy dog that giving her up was tough but it was the best decision for her and for us.  We miss her a lot and receive pictures of her periodically and have even been invited to visit which I think is just too hard (how can I go and see her knowing she belongs now to someone else?).  The kids miss her too although at first it took them about 4 days to notice she was no longer here.  We miss you our Sweet Bailey Girl.  XOXO.

Spartan Race

I signed up the four of us to participate in the Spartan Race that came to Stamford.  It was a 3K race with a set up specific for kids 5 and over.  However, because our daughter is so active, sporty and really great at coordination we knew she could do it!

Look who we found there!

One of the first hurdles.

Coming down.

Katie not far behind.  See her?

Here's a better shot of her and Daddy making sure she doesn't fall. 
She kept up great and they even caught up to us at the end because Mikey's shoe came off.

Having to throw a javelin before crossing the finish line. 

Mikey crossed the finish line!

My finishers!  So proud of them. They loved their medals!

Some one wanted held.

Because they were so tired.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September Shenanigans

We didn't do a whole lot of specific activities with the kids this month and for obvious reasons (newborn and school starting) but yet we still managed to have a ton of fun!

Kids playing in a mud pile/construction zone/dam they created.  Yup, nice and muddy.  Just how I like it.
Everyone sleeps in the car.

She is so busy growing....

....even when sitting up.

.....and in the infant  pack n play.

Play time with Michael.

She was helping me bake....honest she was....just by sleeping.

Looking at black n white books.

Taking a exercise class at home via t.v.

So much to do outside with the neighbor kids.

This train set was played with for many weeks before we packed it away for another day.

Summer birthday parties outside are the best.

Emily and I.

She loves to nuzzle.

Daddy and the football hold.

Loving those sun rays and that smile.

My kids are always the first to dig into the food.

I think he's finally too big for the kiddie pool. 
Racing down the hill over and over and over again.

Play time at the huge playground at the Stamford Nature Center.


Farmers market find - Kombucha Tea.

Give the kids some sun, a safe back yard with a hill and they will play for hours.

She is so happy she finally got a lolli-pop at the store.


Mornings with Mommy.

Silly time.

Can you spot the real baby?

She has such a little tush.

Passed out after bath. I love when her arms are in total submission to sleep.

Trampoline fun for everyone.

At this birthday party the Dad's had more fun that the kids. 

Swinging into the foam pit.


Yup.  Definitely thankful for these 3.