We celebrated Easter at home this year with just the 4 of us. It has been such a busy year so far with the new baby on the way, Scott's deadlines at work and having to move that we decided a relaxing holiday was just what we needed. We didn't want to throw any more craziness into our busy lives if it wasn't necessary.
The kids have been very interested this year in Jesus and how he died on the cross to save us. They ask many questions (some of which I just don't know the answers too or how to respond in an appropriate manner) that I find simplifying into terms they can understand. One Sunday after church, Mikey asked the priest why he was wearing red and why Jesus was wearing red. The priest told him that it represented the blood that Jesus shed. He then told me that I can explain that to him at home. Boy did the priest give me a handful. That's all Mikey wanted to talk about that day.
We have so very much to be thankful for this Easter season.
A sticker hand out from Sunday School. This is Jesus rising from the tomb as depicted from Michael. I think he got it spot on! |
Easter Baskets ready to go the night before. |
Katie's basket. She loved her my little ponies. |
Michael's Basket - of course he spent the morning after church putting the Lego sets together all by himself. |
Getting a first look at his basket. |
Katie seeing what the Easter bunny brought her. |
I just can't seem to get a good photo of them both. |
Take 2. |
Take 3. |
So dapper looking. He wanted a suit with a tie just like his Daddy. |
This is one happy boy on Easter. |
Our family on Easter morning. We woke up at 6:15 and were out the door by 7:15 for 7:30 mass....which meant that I didn't have time to do my hair. Priorities! Mikey, Scott, Katie, Baby M and Jess. |
I made some hot cross buns to take back to church after the 9:30 mass for the Easter Brunch they held. They smelled glorious and were gluten, and dairy and sugar free. |
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