Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Diamond vs. Rhombus....Pre-K Assessment

Once we found out we were moving to Greenwich; excuse me; Old Greenwich, I immediately had to get on the ball as far as finding a pre-school for Katie bug.  Mikey was easy - he's going to the public school that is less than a mile from our new home and has excellent ratings and reviews.  Katie on the other hand was a little more complicated.

Apparently Greenwich has public pre-schools which is great, however the process for applying to a public pre-school begins in December for the following year and we missed the entire process for applying, selecting, reserving, etc.  There are lots of amazing pre-schools in town, however not that many amazing pre-schools in our price range.  It astounds me just how expensive some of these pre-schools are.

After lots of research, tours, questions and phone calls, I found a few great options that worked within our budget and schedule.  My number one choice for her pre-school experience requires all incoming students have an assessment done.

Today, Katie, Mikey and I went to her potential new school, (assuming she gets in), where she had her assessment done by one of the pre-school teachers.

I could over hear bits and pieces of her assessment that they were doing in the adjoining room (when Mikey wasn't talking).  It took about 20 minutes total.  At one point the teacher said to her: "Okay, now I'm going to draw some shapes and I want you to trace them."  "Here's a square....here's a circle.... here's a triangle....here's a diamond."  Katie piped right up and said "That's not a diamond....that's a rhombus!"

I thought, that's my girl!  I knew the teacher would be impressed with her after hearing that.  I honestly don't know where she gets some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth!

Upon saying goodbye and as we were leaving, Katie then mentioned to the Pre-K teacher, "Did you know that Jesus is the son of God?!"  Yup, that must have sealed the deal because Katie snagged one of the very few remaining spaces left at the Catholic School!

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