Saturday, January 26, 2013

Symphony of sounds.

Tonight, rather than go to a Broadway show we wanted to try something a little we got dressed up and went to the New York Philharmonic.  We enjoyed dinner at Cafe Ronda, a little cozy Latin joint that had amazing tapas, and authentic paella.  We split some tapas, had drinks and finished with some hot tea for Scott and some spiced hot cocoa for me.  It was delicious and afterwards we walked about 7 blocks to the Lincoln Center where the Philharmonic performs.

It was a first for both of us going to listen to an orchestra live and it was a unique experience.  They have signs posted telling attendees to minimize noises and coughing, emphasizing that every sound counts and the slightest sound could disrupt the music.  The accoustics inside were probably the best anywhere and so it was true, even the slightest cough echoed throughout.  They even offer free cough drops in the restrooms. We enjoyed a cozy box seat for just the two of us and had lots of leg room...definitely the way to go!

The nite we went the Philharmonic played:
Tchaikovsky - Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy-Overture after Shakespeare
Lutoslawski - Chain 2: Dialogue for Violin and Orchestra
Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5

Tchaikovsky was by far my favorite of the evening.  I was so mesmerized by the music and don't think I moved in my chair at all.  The music definitely told a love story and after hearing this I think I'm hooked.  Can't wait to go again.

Lutoslawski featured a solo violinist named Jennifer Koh.  You can read all about her here.  She has an impressive resume! She performed in a gorgeous flowing red/magenta gown and was the only one other than the conductor to stand the entire performance.  She also was mesmerizing.  I don't think I took my eyes off of her.  Even from our seats near the back you could tell how passionate she was playing the violin.  I for one can bang on some piano keys but that's about it!  Scott and I both agreed that this particular piece of music was something we probably would hear in a murder mystery movie. 

Shostakovich was my least favorite of the evening but still nice to listen too.  I'm not sure if it was the music, my full belly or the late evening creeping up but I almost fell asleep.  It was also 52 minutes long!  Phew.  I wonder how long it took to compose? Hum.

View from our seats.

Our little box seats.

Starting to fill in.
We look so tired here.  Ready to go home.  Finally had an event to wear my sparkly top to and you can't see it!

The seats along the walls, are strategically placed, I'm sure.


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