Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sweet, So Sweet

A few really sweet things that Mikey has done this last week that I really wanted to get down before I forget.  Just one of the many reasons I have this blog.

Let me just set the scene here.  At night we have both kids in our bed, we read a book, sing a handful of songs,say our prayers and then I lay Katie down while Mikey gets a few extra minutes of special Mommy and Daddy time.  So when I go to lay Katie down, everyone says goodnite....

Scenario 1:  I am walking out the door of our bedroom to lay Katie down for the nite and Daddy says "Nite Katie."  Mikey says "Nite Katie Baby." Then Katie gets a hug and kiss from Daddy and he says "Nite Nite Sweetheart" and Mikey says "Nite Sweetheart."

Another nite while laying in bed after we put Katie down....

Scenario 2:  Mikey grabs my face on each side, and as he turns my head toward his he says "Mommy, look at me.  Mike love you." Then gives me sweet kisses.

Love him right back.

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