Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wedding Festivities Begin - Bachelorette Style

Tonight we held Jamie's Bachelorette Party.  It was at Houlihans in Hershey, PA.  It was somewhat last minute, and because of it had a smaller crowd, but the intimate setting made it even more fun, relaxed, silly.

Here's some (not all) of the pics.  Trying to keep it G-Rated. :)

Jamie beginning of party!

Pageant Pose.

Drink No. 1

Fun - Girls Night Out Cup!

Drink No. 2

The sisters.

Don't look at my funny face. Robin = Hilarious!

Drink No. 3

Jenn and Amanda - Cousins, Sisters...something like that.

I think someone farted?!

Dessert Platter Anyone?

The gang.

Me. Jamie. Erica.

Pic. with the Hershey Kiss Tower in the background.

Choo Choo Train Set

We'll we finally busted out the train set that Nana and Papa have at their house (I've been wondering when we would play with it).  It technically belongs to cousin Bryan, (who's 8) but he rarely plays with it.  PlayStation is so much cooler for someone his age.  Mikey really enjoyed playing with it for hours and hours on end.  It has many trains to hook together and 3 or so engines that you can control with remotes. 

This wasn't even all the tracks.  We could have made it bigger!

Busy at play!

Did you notice this in the first picture?  He likes to line up all his trucks and toys in general.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Rain Storms

While in PA we experienced one of the standard summer rains. We love to sit on the porch listening to the rain fall.  The air gets that thick, musty, smell right before it rains.  Love it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend and Summer Kickoff

We had big plans for Memorial Day weekend however Katie came down with a fever that lasted 3 days so we decided to stick close to home.  Sunday, Katie was feeling better so we went to a picnic our friends invited us to.  They have an awesome private patio on the Upper West Side. We had so much fun I forgot to take a lot of pictures, but I did get a few.  On Memorial Day we headed down to PA for the week to help the family get ready for my sister's wedding!  Pictures to come!  Here's what we did over the weekend!

Mikey was tired from walking back from the park so plopped down for a little break.

The fountains are turned on at the park!

I have a feeling we'll be spending lots of time at parks with water features!

Although she had a fever, she's still smiling.

Mikey so excited to eat Sponge Bob!
Ready for our bbq.  You can see Katie and Quinn in the picture.
Mikey enjoyed playing with the hose while we cooked up dinner!
Getting Mikey started with watermelon while dinner finishes up!
Almost ready to eat!
Katie enjoyed eating outside on the patio in NYC!

He ended up just looking at Sponge Bob as if decided whether he should be eaten or not.  We had to do lots of refreezing of Sponge Bob before he was gone.

Ending our Memorial Day with some bounce house!  He's a great supervisor.

Bouncing to his hearts content!

Finally has legs long enough to climb up to the slide.

I think think is the first picture I've taken of her crying.
Rita's is open for the season! YES!

I had the pear gelato- pear frozen ice with vanilla custard

Mikey enjoying some custard!

Katie thought the pear was delicious too!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pip's Place Cakery

I'm really starting to become familiar with our "neighborhood."  Walking around today we noticed this little bakery that FINALLY opened up!  We've been watching for the past 2 months this little store front taking shape into a bakery.  It's called Pip's Place The Gluten Free Cakery.  We randomly walked in and it happened to be the very first day they were open for business.  The best part is they were handing out free full size brownies to sample! Yes, I did say F.R.E.E.  I couldn't believe it at first either!  Nothing is free in this city.

There brownies were delicious, fudgy, rich, suprisingly healthy and gluten free which makes me very happy!  Can't wait to try more of their goodies.  You can also just stand in the store and see inside their entire kitchen watching them bake all the treats.  I wish I had more time to watch those ladies bake!

Fudgey Brownie

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monkey Time

We like to call Mikey our Mikey Monkey - I didn't realize how fitting that was for him until I noticed our little family of monkeys hanging out in the bedroom.

We also have quite a few Curious George books too!

Monday, May 21, 2012

And so it begins!

Katie loves to feed herself.  I forgot just how messy it can be in the beginning!  Watching her eat and work on her coordination is worth the huge mess, (especially when Daddy has to clean it up)!  She goes straight into the tub when she is finished!  With only 2 bottom teeth, she is really good at grinding up food in between her gums.

You'll notice from the pictures below she's looking more like a little girl than our baby!  Growing up so fast-

If only she could see herself


Should have probably put a bib on her.

Not sure what is on her chin - left over oatmeal perhaps?!

Why does she make the biggest messes with spagetti and red sauces?
I finally learned to put a bib on her!

Attack mode!  Look out for Katiezilla!!

Street Cleaning Time

Luckily for us and where we live in NYC it isn't to hard to find a parking space along the street.  Our street cleaning on 90th happens on Monday and Thursdays from 11 to 12:30 on the left side of the street and on Tuesday and Friday from 11 to 12:30 on the right side of the street.  When it's time for street cleaning we take a drive to East Harlem where there is a super center with Target, Costco, Marshalls, Old Navy, Best Buy, and stores alike.  We usually spend 1 hour there and are back on 90th street around noon.  We hang out in the car, play with toys, rummage through my purse and listen to kids CD's for 30 mins. and Mikey presses all the buttons in the car and pretends to drive.  It's pretty stress free thus far, but I'm not sure I'll want to do this in the winter months! 

Happy little passenger.

Working the windshield wipers.

Taking us on a "car ride"

Humm, found some chapstick.

Glad he's just putting it on his lips and not eating it.