Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mikey Update at 2.5 yrs old.

Mikey turned 2 1/2 on April 29th!  He is allllllll boy and loves all trucks, especially fire trucks!  We live in the perfect city for him to get his fill of trucks!

He talks in 3 and 4 and 5 word sentences all the time now.  He is gentle with Katie and loves watching Buzz and Woody from Toy Story and Curious George! 

He has the sweetest smile he'll give you if he knows he's doing something he shouldn't be doing.  He can also climb into the crib with Katie and likes to pat her.  He'll try to pick her up and makes a "Uhhhh" sound like he's really straining to pick her up then says "heavy baby." If she is crying he will go to her and say "shhhh" and "no cry baby" then give her a hug. 

He has also started potty training.  He is good at telling us when he has to go #2.  He get's two jelly beans but usually asks for 5. 

He's very sweet and we love him to the moon and back.

I realized the other day that I spent the entire day talking to Mikey and could understand everything he said and asked for.  Communicating with him is awesome as there are less tears and screaming! 

Here's some pics of our big guy!

Always running somewhere!

If you blink, you'll miss him!

Our big boy looking over the city.

Our big guy!

Papa with Mikey.

Hard to get them both to look at the camera!

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