Friday, April 6, 2012

Central Park Easter Egg Hunt

This morning we met up with other KPMG Mom's that live in Manhattan.  We each had to bring eggs filled with goodies for the kiddos to find.  It was my first time meeting most of the moms and we had a good time!  It would have been better if Mikey wasn't totally enthralled with the Central Park workers who were cutting down tree limbs and turning them into tan bark a few hundred yards from us. 

I spent most of the time wrangling Mikey from wandering away to far from the group.  He could have cared less about the egg hunt once he spotted the trucks. Katie was her usual sweet self!  Here's to hoping I can actually have conversations with them at furture gatherings.

Mikey tries to make a quick escape from picture time.

And he's off!

Here's some of the group.

Sitting and watching the trucks.

Can you see the trucks in the distance?

Playing with his balloon he found in one of his eggs.

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