Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mikey Update at 2.5 yrs old.

Mikey turned 2 1/2 on April 29th!  He is allllllll boy and loves all trucks, especially fire trucks!  We live in the perfect city for him to get his fill of trucks!

He talks in 3 and 4 and 5 word sentences all the time now.  He is gentle with Katie and loves watching Buzz and Woody from Toy Story and Curious George! 

He has the sweetest smile he'll give you if he knows he's doing something he shouldn't be doing.  He can also climb into the crib with Katie and likes to pat her.  He'll try to pick her up and makes a "Uhhhh" sound like he's really straining to pick her up then says "heavy baby." If she is crying he will go to her and say "shhhh" and "no cry baby" then give her a hug. 

He has also started potty training.  He is good at telling us when he has to go #2.  He get's two jelly beans but usually asks for 5. 

He's very sweet and we love him to the moon and back.

I realized the other day that I spent the entire day talking to Mikey and could understand everything he said and asked for.  Communicating with him is awesome as there are less tears and screaming! 

Here's some pics of our big guy!

Always running somewhere!

If you blink, you'll miss him!

Our big boy looking over the city.

Our big guy!

Papa with Mikey.

Hard to get them both to look at the camera!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lazy Morning

So I've finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon.  Although I don't have an IPhone, I do have an Ipod that I downloaded the Instagram app onto.  I've taken a few photos so far and love it!

Here's a sweet shot for you taken on a lazy morning.  I think I really capture those special moments when the kids aren't posing for the camera.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rub a Dub a Dub

Soooooo, for the past few months it's been easier to just throw the kids into the shower with us rather than give them a bath.  Mikey still likes to lay Koala Bear style on you and let the water beat on his back.  It's very soothing and calming for him, but now that Katie can sit very well on her own we decided it's time to start bathing the kids together in the bath.  They have a lot of fun splashing, playing with bath toys they haven't seen in a while and Mikey likes to dump water on Katie's head and scrub her with a wash cloth.  He's very helpful and Katie tolerates it. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mommy, Look at me! I did it!

For snack one morning I gave Mikey a greek yogurt.  He does really well with eating his yogurt, except for this particular morning.  I am changing Katie's diaper when I hear "I did it!", "Mommy, look!"
He was so proud of himself.  I couldn't help but smirk and then immediately throw him in the tub.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scott's Birthday Weekend - Part 2

On Sunday, (Scott's actual Birthday) we both had fun.  Mikey had some one on one time playing with Daddy and Jamie, Katie and I went shopping on 5th avenue. 

While the boys went to the park and got dirty, us girls went to FAO Schwarz, the Apple Store, Trump Tower, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Nike, Saks 5th Ave, Rockerfeller Square, Ann Taylor and Crumbs. At FAO Schwarz, we looked at baby dolls in the nursery, visited the truck corner, lego land, the Big Piano, purchased a fire truck for Mikey, walked around Candy Land, saw where you can custom make your own puppet and much more.

Okay, now for the most memorable part of our day.....  We (Jamie and I) were stopped about 40 to 50 times and complimented on how beautiful, gorgeous, cute, pretty, adorable, etc, Katie was.  We even heard people who didn't make a direct comment to us but comment to their friends on how beautiful she is.  It was pretty crazy.  There was even a women who asked if she could take a picture of Katie.  Even men stopped to comment on her.  Women wanted to pinch her cheeks (although I didn't let them), tickle her toes, make her smile, laugh, etc.  I mean seriously, we thought she was pretty but it was just ridiculous how many people stopped us?  Maybe I had her in a cute outfit?    She's the most photogenic baby I've met.
Since we are trying to make better food choices, we decided on not buying a birthday cake for Scott's birthday.  He really could care less, but where I come from, it's not your birthday without some kind of cake.  So a cupcake did the trick, courtsey of Crumbs.  Delicious!

We found this at FAO!

We were shocked that I got this pic. with just Jamie in it.  There were a ton of people all over the place.

Katie loved watching the piano keys light up. I'll have to bring her and Mikey back here!

Jamie posing in front of the Statue of Liberty made of Legos.

Being silly!

Our Pretty Little Princess.

Jamie in front of the Apple store in front of the Plaza Hotel and FAO Schwarz.

Holding the Apple. She can be soooo cheezy!

Katie loved looking at the beautiful fish at Saks.

Rockerfeller was decorated for Easter!

On my bucket list is ice skating here.

The HOT bus ride home.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Blowing out the candles on Daddy's Birthday Cupcake!

He was exhausted after today
Our cutie pie.

She loves having her picture taken!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scott's Birthday Weekend

Scott turned 33 this weekend and to help watch the kids, my sister Jamie came for a short visit.  The weather was PERFECT!  It couldn't have gotten any better.   

While Scott spent Saturday relaxing; Jamie, the kids and I headed out in search of adventure!  We went to Central Park and did lots of people watching and pretending to be tourists.  We found lots of fun performers, people everywhere enjoying the outdoors and munched on some New York City pizza for lunch.  We had a picnic in the park and also kicked the ball around with Mikey.

In the evening, Scott and I had a his birthday dinner at Koi and then went to see Don't Dress for Dinner on Broadway.  It was a sequel to Boeing, Boeing which we saw a few years ago.  It was hilarious but next time we plan on seeing a musical.

Jamie in Central Park.

Jamie acting a little crazy at "the mall" in Central Park.
This is where the huge oak trees are!

Performer in Central Park.  Reminded me of Spain where we saw lots of these.

He loves climbing on the rocks, remnants from the ice age.

Time to play a little ball.

Ready for dinner and a show!

Me and my little monkey.
Snacking.  See how dirty he is from playing ball.  You can see the dirt on his cheek.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our plan was to NOT have a plan!

I've always been a planner, thinking that when I'm organized and have a plan everything will go smoothly and I'll be prepared.  We planned ahead with both of our kids, finding out what sex they will be, we plan our vacations in detail, have an extensively detailed budget, super organized closets, etc.  BUT, sometimes I throw caution into the wind and just GO!  It's amazing what you discover just by walking and not having any rhyme or reason as to which direction you go in.  Today was one of those days, we took a leisurely walk through Central Park this morning to burn off some of Mikey's energy and to enjoy the beautiful weather. 

We came across some beautiful statutes (furture blog), boats that you can rent at "Conservation Water" (it's near the alice in wonderland statue and the boat house), the Metropolitian Museum of Art and a new park to play at. 

We started off our day properly, spending 30 minutes swinging!

Katie loves to swing slowly!

Mikey loves to swing as high as you can get him!

Mikey pushing Katie!

Momma and Miss Katie!

Walking around the "Great Lawn" with midtown in the background.  This view always makes me ponder what the kids will be when they grow up.  The world truly is their oyster.

Posing at the Conservation Water.  He was wild running around and could have easily fallen in with one misstep or trip but he did good and didn't get too close or peer over the ledge. 

To get this photo I pretended I was a donkey and loudly said "Hee-Haw" so he would look at me.

There wer lots of boats on the water by the time we left.

A new park on 72nd street in CP.  Not a huge fan as it's 90% sand.

Weee, down the slide.

Mikey found a pole to slide down, just like the firemen do!

He still loves to wear his hat!

Metropolitian Museum of Art on 5th Ave from 80th to about 85th Street.  So far my favorite street that I've discovered is at 82nd between 5th Ave and Madison. The architecture is just amazing.