Friday, March 23, 2012

NY living

The weather in New York City has ben gorgeous!  Mid to upper 60's even 70 plus degree weather has been very enjoyable.  It's actually perfect park hunting weather! So far we've been to 6 parks.
I actually just found my camera charger which was lost until I unpacked the last of the boxes a few days ago so I took a bunch of pictures 1 or 2 days at the park.  So forgive me for the week plus lag in not having any pictures (wasn't able to get any pics. on St. Patty's Day either - which we spent at the parade on 5th avenue).

Our days are as follows; go to one of the parks close to our apt. after Katie's morning nap around 9:30 - 11:30.  Come home for lunch and put the kids down for their afternoon naps.  Feed them a snack and go back to another close park from 2:30 until 4:30.  Come home and make dinner, bath, clean up the house and bedtime. 

We also find ourselves most days near the subway on 86th street.  We go to the bank, grocery shopping, Barnes and Noble (for story time on Wednesdays),  restaurants, shopping (H&M, Gap, Banana Republic, Nine West, Athleta, Aldo).  It's a very busy place! 

Walking home we usually walk down 2nd avenue to give Mikey great views of construction equipment.  They are putting in another subway line, so the street is line with every piece of equipment imaginable. 

We've also found lots of places for Kids, that offer free kids classes!  We have gone 2 to already and have 2 more set up.  We'll see what we like best before enrolling the kiddos.

Note the hat and hatchet.  We take this with us to the park EVERYDAY.

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